Diggy's Adventure Wiki

Events and Special Weeks

Via this Event-page you will find details about all events ever released.

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If you get stuck in a mine, this page offers you all the information and help needed.
Maps click on the map icons listed behind the mines to open maps on the Wiki Google drive.
Youtube click on the video icons listed behind the mines to open a You tube Playlist.
Walkthrough click on the walkthrough icons listed behind the mines to open a walkthrough article by support on the forum.

You can also consider joining one of the many Diggy-Facebook groups. In most groups you will find very helpful people answering questions fast.
Or have a look in the Official Diggy's Adventure Forum.
If you still cant figure it out, do not hesitate to contact Pixelfederation SUPPORT An answer most times within 24 hrs, during weekends can be longer.

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