Diggy's Adventure Wiki
Collect as many Summer Postcards as you can in all the repeatable locations!
  • May 3, 2016 - May 10, 2016
  • Repeatable locations will award 10x the XP bonus for their clearing and a special Summer postcard. Players can use these to buy camp equipment, speed potions, consumables or precious materials like amethyst, ruby, topaz or green ring, and there is an achievement for collecting the postcards.


Quest Reward
Summer Postcards 1,000Mat001 2,500Sys001
Even More Postcards! 7,500Mat001 15,000Sys001
Final Reward
Achievement (Summer Messenger)
Level Collect Reward
1 3Mat177 800Sys001 1,000Mat001 11,000 FOOD (1,000 TOTAL) (1,000Nrg)
2 5Mat177 1,200Sys001 120Mat007 120Mat022
3 7Mat177 1,700Sys001 1Use0036 1Tok0032
4 9Mat177 2,300Sys001 30Mat008 30Mat032
5 11Mat177 3,000Sys001 5,000Mat001 50Mat002
6 14Mat177 3,800Sys001 2Mat047 2Tok0032
7 18Mat177 5,000Sys001 1Use0047 2Mat092
8 23Mat177 7,500Sys001 100Mat002 BlankFlag
Camp Equipment
Name Size Max Regeneration Capacity Per Slot Level Materials Required
2180 Rusty On Holiday 2x1 2 60 60 20 75Mat177
2181 Professor On Holiday 2x1 2 87 87 45 115Mat177
2182 Linda On Holiday 2x1 3 100 100 60 190Mat002
2183 Summer Palm Trees 3x1 2 116 116 75 150Mat177
2184 Summer Parrot 4x1 3 140 140 80 750Mat002
Additional Shop Items
Name Return Region Level Cost
0512 Grilled Shrimp Kebab 100Nrg Region 1 EG 20 1Mat177
0513 Fruit Kebab 1,000Nrg Region 1 EG 20 50Mat002
0036 (4H) Speed Potion 4 hours speed Region 1 EG 20 15Mat177
0032 Green Ring Tok0032 Region 1 EG 20 8Mat177
0047 Amethyst Mat047 Region 1 EG 20 15Mat177
0092 Ruby Mat092 Region 2 SC 40 30Mat177
0143 Topaz Mat143 Region 3 CH 60 60Mat177